Library Services

 Useful phone numbers and emails

Reference and Instruction 03-6406039/5135

WhatsApp 050-5075973

Circulation 03-6408145

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) 03-6408145

Books Acquisition 03-6408049, 03-6408866

  Opening Hours

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Printing / Photocopying / Scanning
The payment is made by credit card or print/copy card. A print/copy card vending machine is located in the basement.
Computers and other equipment
Library computers are on the ground floor. The computers have online programs. 
Study Room Reservation
Books Acquisition
Wireless Internet Access
Network Free-TAU password free-tau
Library Map
Remote access
Student Welfare
On the entrance floor: Lockers / Coffee / Snack corner including a refrigerator and a microwave / Snack, drink and ice cream vending machines. Charging stations for smartphones are available throughout the library.
Reference and Instruction Services
Librarians provide assistance in locating information from the library resources and in using the DaTA search system/ Request for individual instruction in using databases and other information resources
Interlibrary loan (ILL)
An accessible physical environment, technological aids and appropriate software are available for people with disabilities.
How to Get Here



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