Acquisition & Electronic Resources

 1st floor, room 102 


 Book Recommendation Form

      Research Budget Form
      Desk Copy (pdf / word)

white book page with black background


The acquisition and electronic resources department is responsible for constructing the library's digital and printed collections. The department is updating the collections by purchasing books, periodicals, and electronic databases according to the needs and recommendations of the academic staff and students.

The department staff goes through the syllabuses of the courses in the faculties of exact sciences and engineering and purchases books, preferably in digital versions, that are not included in the library's collection, in cooperation with lecturers and according to their recommendations.

The department is also in charge of managing and maintaining the library's electronic resources, as well as for promoting open-access publishing by signing agreements with publishers, according to which the university researchers can publish open-access articles at no charge.

Also, lecturers can order books for personal use through the acquisition department using their research grants.   

Request to purchase a book from a research budget form:

book page beside eyeglasses and coffee


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