Opening Hours


Library opening hours

Sunday - Thursday: 08:00 - 21:00

Friday - Library is closed


Vacations and Holidays 2024-2025
Rosh HaShana 2-3.10.24 Library is closed
Sukkot 16-24.10.24 Library is closed
Purim 14-15.3.25 Library is closed
Passover 12-19.4.25 Library is closed
Memorial Day Eve 29.4.25 Library open until 18:45
Memorial Day & Independence Day 30.4-1.5.25 Library is closed
Shavuot 1-2.6.25 Library is closed
Tishaa BeAv 3.8.25 Library is closed
Summer Vacation 21-31.8.25 Library is closed


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